56,454 SF
Stone Creek Village
Stone Creek Village
SWQ Zinfandel Drive & Bear Hollow Drive - Rancho Cordova, CA

Featured Overview
Stone Creek Village is a new retail development, anchored by a newly opened Sprouts Farmers Market, in Rancho Cordova and is located at the southwest quadrant of Zinfandel Drive and Bear Hollow Drive.
This ±34,000 square foot neighborhood shopping center will help serve Rancho Cordova’s ongoing area that includes the Sunridge Specific Plan and the Rio Del Oro Specific Plan.
These specific plans and more have been approved for the development of more than 43,000 total homes, making Rancho Cordova the next explosive growth market in the Sacramento Region.
The City of Rancho Cordova offers an ideal retail environment and is the Sacramento area’s largest employment sub-center, with almost 50,000 employees in more than 1,900 businesses and 72,203 residents within city limits.
Notable daytime employment generators in Rancho Cordova include Aerojet Rocketdyne, Delta Dental, VSP, HealthNet and Sacramento County Office of Education.

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