744,000 SF
Baseline Marketplace
Baseline Marketplace
NWC Baseline Road & Fiddyment Road - Roseville, CA

Featured Overview
Baseline Marketplace is a fully entitled, ± 77.15 acre regional shopping center opportunity that is situated at the northwest quadrant of Baseline Road and Fiddyment Road in Roseville, CA (Placer County).
As part of the Sphere of Influence of the City of Roseville’s west side, the overall project is approved to accommodate a ±744,000 square foot community center that will offer prime real estate opportunities to major anchor, junior anchor, retail shops and restaurant uses seeking an ideal location in one of South Placer County’s last remaining growth markets with more than ±44,811 planned homes in the trade area.
Baseline Marketplace is the Trade Area’s most readily available commercial retail project and will be the next major retail epicenter in the Sacramento Region and in Placer County.
With less than ±100,000 total square feet of existing commercial retail and zero availability within a 2-mile radius of the project, Baseline Marketplace is poised to benefit from consumers’ high demand originating from the growing and under-served residential population in areas that include West Roseville, unincorporated points of Western Placer County, Nicolaus, Rio Oso, Antelope, Elverta and Sutter Point.

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