Olivewood Center – 100% LEASED
Olivewood Center – 100% LEASED
NWC Hillsdale Boulevard & Walerga Road - Sacramento, CA

Property Highlights
Featured Overview
Olivewood Center is a ±52,226 square foot neighborhood mixed-use center located along Hillsdale Boulevard, just west of Walerga Road in Sacramento, California. The center is centrally located in a densely populated area just 3/4 miles from interstate 80 and is visible to more than 23,000 cars per day.
Olivewood Center’s tenant mix is unique in the Sacramento market and includes Sacramento Works, SETA Head Start Child Development and Prime Time Nutrition. Sacramento Works is a City & County sponsored program that offers job skills training and employment referral services and serves approximately 8,000 customers in this location annually. Prime Time Nutrition operates on Federal grants and offers supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education to nearly 1.5 million economically challenged women in California.
Altogether, these service based tenants draw more than 10,000 repeat visitors to the center annually.

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